Continuous Training

All accredited members of the Federation must accumulate 30 credits of recognized continuing education every two years from the year of accreditation. These credits can be obtained from continuing education offered by the QKF and/or by other organizations recognized by the QKF. To make it easier for you to analyze the credits granted to your courses, the Continuing Education Committee provides you with a credit equivalence grid in the Continuing Education Policy (see p. 11).


Continuing Education Policy

Click here to view the complete procedure for compulsory further training.


Advertise a workshop

Advertise a workshop


Continuing education bulletin board

(Log in to your Web Space to access it)


Webinars organized by the Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec and its partners.


Soutien à domicile et gestion des risques

En ligne

Maîtriser la douleur chronique : perspectives cliniques et stratégies efficaces

En ligne

Élaboration d'un programme de course à pied

En ligne

Analyse de technique de course

En présentiel

Congrès de la FMOQ - Les saines habitudes de vie et l'environnement

En présentiel et en webdiffusion en direct